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              ??夢境會褪色,繁花也會凋零。但您曾擁有過的,將伴您永存。生日快樂! Dreams fade, flowers will wither、But you have, will be with you forever、Happy birthday!

              ??手機鈴響起的時候,請接受我真誠的祝福。這是屬于我們的`熱線,無論是生日還是每個時刻,兩顆心都將在這里得到充分的表達:親愛的,生日快樂! Mobile phone when the bell rang, please accept my sincere blessings。 This is our hotline, birthday and every moment, two hearts will find full expression here:my dear, happy birthday!

              ??常常思念你,在我的心里;默默祝福你,在我的心底。愿你佳節愉快,幸福甜蜜?!ften miss you, in my heart; silently bless you, in my heart、Wishing you a happy holiday and happiness.

              ??現在生日不送禮,寫句祝福送給你,如果你嫌禮不夠,再把我也往上湊。祝你生日快樂! Now birthday is not gifts, write a sentence blessing to you, if you dont gift enough, and then I also go up、Happy birthday to you!

              ??值得記念的日子,原世界因為有了你而更加美好,生日快樂?!emorable days, the original world because of you and better, happy birthday.

              ??用眼掠過,看著母親白發悄悄爬滿發際;用心撫摸,才曉得母親已操勞太多精力殆盡。今天,將祝福送給母親;祝生日快樂,健康恩賜! With eyes, white hair looked at mother secretly crawling hair;Caress attentively, didnt know that mother has too much work。 Today, send blessings to mother。 I wish a happy birthday, healthy gift!

              ??祝福加祝福是許多個祝福,祝福減祝福是祝福的起點,祝福乘祝福是無限個祝福,祝福除祝福是唯一的祝福,祝福你生日快樂! In blessing blessing is many blessings,blessing is the starting point of blessing,blessing by blessing is infinite a blessing,blessing blessing is the only,wish you a happy birthday!

              ??在這個值得慶賀的日子里,我雖無鮮花與美酒獻禮,但心中有歌,謹祝你一生快樂?!n this celebration of the day, I do not have the gift of flowers and wine, but the hearts of the song, I wish you a happy life.zWb5.COM

              ??春天的禮物是蘇醒,夏天的禮物是熱情,秋天的禮物是收獲,冬天的禮物是溫暖,你的禮物是快樂,朋友,祝你生日快樂,四季平安,永遠幸福美滿?!ift gift is awakening of spring, summer is warm, the gift of autumn is harvest, the gift of winter is warm, happy, is your gift, my friend, I wish you a happy birthday, four seasons peace, happiness forever。

              ??煩惱煩惱快趕跑,快樂馬上就要到,憂愁憂愁馬上消,幸福不會放你逃。好運好運趕緊到,消滅霉運心情好。短信短信你收到,收到定要收藏好。祝生日快樂! Trouble troubles away quickly, happy to soon, grief sorrow away immediately, happiness will not let you escape。 Good luck good luck to quickly, eliminate the bad luck in a good mood。 SMS text messages you received, need to collect。 I wish a happy birthday!

              ??暖暖的燭光里,有我的思緒與期盼,縱然相隔太遠太遠,仍送去無限想念及祝福?!arm candlelight, my thoughts and expectations, even though far apart too far away, still send infinite miss and blessing.

              ??愿你生日快樂美夢圓,甜蜜溫馨駐身邊! Wish you a happy birthday,a sweet dream,sweet and warm stay around!

              ??祝你今天愉快!愿幸福快樂每天與你相伴。 Have a nice day! May happiness be with you every day.

              ??因為你的降臨,這一天成了一個美麗的日子。 Because of your coming, this day has become a beautiful day.

              ??今天是你生日,我從來也沒有忘記在這特別的日子里祝你,生日快樂青春常駐,越來越靚女! Today is your birthday, I never forget to wish you in this special day, Happy birthday youth, more and more people!

              ??愿我的祝福,如一縷燦爛的陽光,在您的眼里流淌,生日快樂! May my blessings, like a ray of brilliant sunshine, flow in your eyes, happy birthday!
